dick gillberg
I am extremely happy to be your photographer at the convention 2022 in Helsingborg, it will be so fun to meet you all!
Here is a short presentation of me. I have been the official photographer of quartets and choirs at the Nordic Light Region Congress annually since the early nineties. It's wonderful to be a part of this community once a year. I have grown up myself and I have seen many fantastic singers also grow up during all these years and become among the best in the barbershop world. It is a great privilege.
Finally, it's time for the funniest event of the year!
It will happen that I photograph your choirs and quartets during the competition on stage. Usually I photograph your picture at the final pose. If you want to do a photo pose after the final pose, let me know on the note "Information to Panel Secretary, photographer and lighting manager" so I know what you want.
I make hard copies in the sizes 18 x 24 cm, which is suitable for quartets and smaller choirs and a 16 x 38 cm that is nice for slightly larger choirs. The pictures are delivered in a white passepartou.
Price for 18 x 24 cm is SEK 200 and for 16 x 38 cm SEK 260. Shipping will be added once to the choir or quartet.
Please place your order for the whole choir or quartet at the same time. I deliver all the pictures to one person in the choir or quartet. Just to minimize shipping cost and so I can order the pictures from my photo lab at the same time.
Send the order to me at info@dickgillberg.se. Place your order as soon as possible after the convention.
If a choir or quartet only wants to order digital photos, please contact me by email.
Thank you in advance and it will be so much fun to meet you all.
Dick and Rebecka